Results for "guest author"
Rethinking Time in the Blended and Personalized Classroom: Strategies and tools to maximize technology’s effect on teaching and learning
TLA periodically shares perspectives from educators and other voices from the field. The views and opinions expressed in these guest posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of TLA. If you are interested in...
Digital Citizenship: Focusing on the what, why, and how
The call to teach digital citizenship has been heard by schools around the world, yet there are a few schools who question the value, purpose, and position of teaching digital citizenship within the classroom. Many of those questions stem from a...
Planting Trees Under Which You May Never Sit: The long-term work of school transformation
“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” – Nelson Henderson Transforming schools and districts from industrial models to student-centered ones is bold, noble, worthy work that requires a sustained...
A Personalized Journey: Three lessons learned from school redesign
“How might we redesign school to better meet the needs of each student?” We posed this question to educators in the Dallas Independent School District back in 2014 with the hope of bringing together like-minded educators who wanted to redefine...
Coast-to-Coast Connections: How a national network fosters better education for all students
When I was a little girl in small-town Texas, I loved to travel. I also loved school. Learning and seeing other parts of our country were simply my favorite things. On an extended trip to New York City, I remember meeting a little girl from New...
Failing Forward: What school innovation networks have taught me about learning from failures
Do you think about failure as a way to look at how to transform education? The last two years have enhanced my abilities to do just that! I credit the state and national innovative leadership networks that I belong to for opening my eyes to look at...
Building Community and Connections: An update on TLA’s Innovation Directors Network
The Learning Accelerator’s (TLA) Innovation Directors Network (IDN) recently finished its second convening in Dallas, TX. Once again, we were inspired, energized, and humbled by the amazing group of 13 system-level leaders and innovators who...
The Parent Perspective: Parents’ perceptions of their children’s blended learning experiences
We are graduate students at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) studying educational technology and innovation. As part of Barbara Treacy’s course, Connected Teaching in the Digital Age, we partnered with The Learning Accelerator (TLA)...
Blended Learning Data: Moving beyond binary results
“For every 20 minutes a student spent [on our software], their MAP score increased by 2.5 points.” “Ensure that students see two years of reading growth [if they use our program].” “Our study has found that use of this math program with fidelity...
Behind the Curtain of Flex Time
This blog first appeared on EdWeek’s Next Gen Learning in Action column. With all the interest in innovative school models, many schools are creating “flex time” periods during the day for students to increase student agency. We at Silicon Schools...
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