Results for "data"
Three Questions To Drive K-12 AI Adoption
The emergence of generative AI has ignited both excitement and concern in K-12 education. Some educators see AI as a powerful tool to tackle longstanding challenges, while others are wary, mindful of past edtech initiatives that delivered uneven...
New Tools for School and System EdTech Leaders
As the school year begins, edtech leaders have a vital opportunity to reflect on their practices, identify areas for improvement, and set goals aligned with broader school and district priorities. Through intentional approaches, these efforts can...
Helping Educators and Leaders Surface What Works, For Whom, and Under What Conditions
Over the past few years, the context of education has dramatically changed as schools and systems grapple with the ongoing ramifications of emergency remote learning, lost instruction time, a growing student well-being crisis, and educator...
TLA Update, Explore Our New Data Advocacy Guide
How educators, families, students, and others can use data to advocate for more equitable change this school year.
Using Data to Advocate for Equitable Practices
“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” – John Lewis At The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we are working to advance a research-informed vision for...
Examining Power Across Remote Organizations
Before COVID-19, remote work was the exception, not the rule. Working in person was the standard, and guidance on developing organizational culture was limited to in-person environments, including work focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion...
Asking the Right Questions to Improve Equity in Virtual & Hybrid Learning
In working to prove their worth in an ever-changing education landscape, virtual and hybrid schools across the country are looking to hone their craft and make improvements. Over the past year at The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we have supported 20...
Improving Teacher Morale in Virtual Schools
Teachers have a history of being underappreciated and overworked. Teaching in and beyond the pandemic has been particularly thankless and unsustainable, as schools respond to the unfinished learning needs of their kids while curricula became a...
Learning Alongside Others Sparks Plymouth-Canton’s Virtual Redesign
Amanda Pelukas joined Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (P-CCS) in Michigan to transform P-CCS’ Virtual Academy. “COVID remote learning,” as Pelukas described it, needed to improve. Instead of solving the problem on their own, Pelukas and her team...
The Future of Education Research and Measurement
For decades, quantitative, randomized control trials (RCTs) have been considered the gold standard of education research. The What Works Clearinghouse even prioritizes studies that randomly assign participants to conditions and show statistical...
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