TLA Blog


The field of education is constantly innovating as schools across the country search for the best ways to improve learning for each student. On the TLA Blog, The Learning Accelerator team and guest experts investigate and help you navigate the latest research, commentary, and useful tools to push the field forward.

Without Ethics, Digital Equity is Impossible: Three Questions Leaders Must Answer

by Beth Holland on September 27 2022

Since the start of the pandemic, educators, leaders, and policymakers have undertaken substantial efforts to increase student access to devices and high-speed internet in an attempt to close the digital divide. However, improved digital access...

Articulating the “Why(s)” for Learners: Going Beyond “As Good As” to Demand More Through Virtual and Hybrid Learning Efforts

by Beth Rabbitt on September 21 2022

We’re often asked to explain how virtual learning outcomes compare to those in traditional, analog classrooms. This is a fairly straightforward question to answer based on research: generally speaking (and outside of emergency models launched during...

Clarifying the “What:” Centering Learner Experiences and the Instructional Core as We Define Virtual Learning

by Beth Rabbitt on September 14 2022

Given our lack of unified language, conversations about virtual learning often feel confusing. Is my district’s “hybrid” learning your school’s “simultaneous” instruction? Has one state codified policy for “blended learning” in a way that looks a...

What We’re Learning About Virtual Learning

by Beth Rabbitt on September 7 2022

In August 2021, our team published Launching Forward, the culmination of our six-monthlong Hop, Skip, Leapfrog project. Hop, Skip, Leapfrog aimed to identify, codify, and make sense of new school system strategies and capabilities that emerged...

More Than Mindfulness: Strategies to Improve the Wellbeing of Educators and Leaders in Schools

by Beth Holland on August 31 2022

Burned out, demoralized, anxious, and exhausted – these are just a few terms that have been used to describe both teachers and leaders as they head into a new school year. At The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we saw this issue emerging over a...

A Growing Danger of the Digital Use Divide: A Media Illiterate Generation

by Beth Holland and Michael Ham on August 22 2022

Since the introduction of computers into classrooms, the premise has been that increased access to technology would result in more creative, rigorous, personalized, and meaningful learning than what was possible in an analog world. However, despite...

Help Your School Leaders Succeed (And Retain Them for the Long Haul)

by Ashley Fellows on August 15 2022

For the last three years, I led my school’s pandemic response — from drafting and rolling out COVID protocols to implementing building health and safety measures — all while leading a community of 600 students and educators through a full return to...

Help Bring TLA to SXSW EDU 2023

by Samantha Artukovich on August 10 2022

It’s that time of year once again! The public voting period for SXSW EDU’s PanelPicker has arrived, and we would appreciate your help in bringing The Learning Accelerator (TLA) back to Austin. As you consider sessions to support this year, please...

Step 4: Championing Sustainable Change - Creating systems for leaders, teams, and their initiatives

by Nicole Assisi & Shelli Kurth on August 3 2022

The never-ending cycle of growth and change in schools often elicits mixed reactions. Some see these new trends as much-needed progress, while others “see déjà vu all over again.” Evolving science and research, alongside increased complexity that...

There’s No Digital Equity Without Data Privacy

by Beth Holland on July 25 2022

Whether consciously or unconsciously, apps, internet service providers, and even schools could be selling or releasing data related to students’ — and teachers’ — locations, browsing habits, email content, and even direct messages. Over the past...
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