TLA Blog


The field of education is constantly innovating as schools across the country search for the best ways to improve learning for each student. On the TLA Blog, The Learning Accelerator team and guest experts investigate and help you navigate the latest research, commentary, and useful tools to push the field forward.

Improving Teacher Morale in Virtual Schools

by Nate Kellogg on June 25 2023

Teachers have a history of being underappreciated and overworked. Teaching in and beyond the pandemic has been particularly thankless and unsustainable, as schools respond to the unfinished learning needs of their kids while curricula became a...

Learning Alongside Others Sparks Plymouth-Canton’s Virtual Redesign

by Nate Kellogg on June 20 2023

Amanda Pelukas joined Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (P-CCS) in Michigan to transform P-CCS’ Virtual Academy. “COVID remote learning,” as Pelukas described it, needed to improve. Instead of solving the problem on their own, Pelukas and her team...

The Future of Education Research and Measurement

by Violet Ford and Beth Holland on May 18 2023

For decades, quantitative, randomized control trials (RCTs) have been considered the gold standard of education research. The What Works Clearinghouse even prioritizes studies that randomly assign participants to conditions and show statistical...

Using Design Thinking to Solve System Challenges

by Lacey Gonzales and Ryan Mick on May 5 2023

How do you unite a diverse set of organizations that believe in the same cause but haven’t worked collectively yet? And how do you ensure meaningful change and impact results from bringing the leaders of these organizations together? This is exactly...

The “Soft Skills” Students Need in an AI-Filled World

by Samantha Artukovich on May 3 2023

It’s easy to conjure a mental image of a science fiction-inspired dystopian future when we hear cautionary tales from the classroom about ChatGPT completing homework assignments, anecdotes of the chatbot fooling a human into bypassing bot controls...

Welcoming a New TLA Team Member, Shanice Maxwell

by Lacey Gonzales on April 25 2023

As spring transitioned into full swing, we had some celebrating in order at The Learning Accelerator (TLA)! We welcomed Shanice Maxwell as the Associate Director, Talent, Culture, and DEI Initiatives at TLA. A former educator who brings her...

Innovating While Leading Schools is Hard – Lessons from Using ChatGPT

by Rashida Kimbrue Major on April 19 2023

Recently, districts from across the U.S. converged at Dell's Innovation Summit to tackle problems of practice around innovating in schools, including: designing innovative learning models, implementing new structures of high school through a...

Investigating Creativity in the Classroom: Research Tools for Teachers and Leaders

by Beth Holland on April 12 2023

Creativity is the competence to leverage self-interests, motivation, imagination, and prior knowledge in flexible ways1 to generate, evaluate, or improve ideas; imagine new ways of solving problems;2 forge new connections — across content and...

Generative AI in Schools: Leaders Ask for Guidance

by Jin-Soo Huh on April 6 2023

While artificial intelligence (AI) has been present in schools for years through adaptive learning and feedback tools, this new wave of generative AI tools, headlined by ChatGPT, feels different due to their ability to make unique, sophisticated...

AI’s Role in the Future of Innovation in Education

by Nate Kellogg on March 31 2023

Technology has a knack for raising alarms in education: the advent of tools like the radio, calculators, television, and smartboards have all caused a stir. OpenAI’s artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, ChatGPT, has introduced us to the latest...
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