TLA Blog


The field of education is constantly innovating as schools across the country search for the best ways to improve learning for each student. On the TLA Blog, The Learning Accelerator team and guest experts investigate and help you navigate the latest research, commentary, and useful tools to push the field forward.

New Tools for School and System EdTech Leaders

by Michael Ham on August 23 2024

As the school year begins, edtech leaders have a vital opportunity to reflect on their practices, identify areas for improvement, and set goals aligned with broader school and district priorities. Through intentional approaches, these efforts can...

Ensuring Quality EdTech Investments: Two Questions For System Leaders

by Michael Ham on February 23 2024

September marks a turning point for the K-12 sector. Since March 2020, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund has infused billions of dollars into school systems to aid pandemic recovery efforts designed to accelerate...

Catalyzing Collective Change Toward More Equitable Edtech Systems

by Michael Ham on November 17 2023

Edtech can be a powerful tool in any school system’s efforts for equity when implemented effectively. However, rapidly changing technologies and slow-moving systems have led many schools and systems to report challenges in realizing this potential....

Engaging 3 Key Groups for Equity in Edtech

by Jin-Soo Huh on November 10 2023

When implemented thoughtfully and equitably, edtech has the power to accelerate learning and address persistent disparities. While academic edtech tools can make learning more inclusive and responsive to students’ interests and needs, edtech...

Sustaining Equitable Edtech Use: TLA and MA DESE Kick Off a New Peer Learning Cohort

by Roshni Lakhi on November 2 2022

The unexpected and rapid switch to virtual learning during the pandemic led to a massive infusion of technology devices and online programs in school systems across the country. In the wake of this shift, education leaders and practitioners are now...

Without Ethics, Digital Equity is Impossible: Three Questions Leaders Must Answer

by Beth Holland on September 27 2022

Since the start of the pandemic, educators, leaders, and policymakers have undertaken substantial efforts to increase student access to devices and high-speed internet in an attempt to close the digital divide. However, improved digital access...

A Growing Danger of the Digital Use Divide: A Media Illiterate Generation

by Beth Holland and Michael Ham on August 22 2022

Since the introduction of computers into classrooms, the premise has been that increased access to technology would result in more creative, rigorous, personalized, and meaningful learning than what was possible in an analog world. However, despite...

There’s No Digital Equity Without Data Privacy

by Beth Holland on July 25 2022

Whether consciously or unconsciously, apps, internet service providers, and even schools could be selling or releasing data related to students’ — and teachers’ — locations, browsing habits, email content, and even direct messages. Over the past...

Big Ideas from Hop, Skip, Leapfrog: Leveraging technology to “do education differently” and focus on equity, social-emotional learning (SEL)

by Jilliam Joe on September 14 2021

Dr. Jilliam Joe is the Vice President of Learning Insights at LEAP Innovations. Jilliam has dedicated her career as an educational researcher to measuring effective teaching practices. At LEAP, she provides research and evaluation leadership for...

Share strategies (not germs!) in 2021

by Juliana Finegan on January 5 2021

Before the end of last year, I was given the amazing opportunity to meet with K-12 educators from all over the country and hear about what was making them and their students happy and engaged during these strange times. I wanted to capture specific...
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