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K-12 Sector
Building a more Effective K-12 Sector
Achieving better outcomes for every kid in the nation will require big shifts in how the K-12 education field works and operates. With over 15,000 public school districts, getting better at sharing knowledge and working together on big problems is one of the biggest opportunities we have to make big leap forward. This is TLA’s mission.Reimagining Sector Roles in Relationship to Learners
We often think of schools, districts, and public regional, state, and federal entities as the main actors in K-12 education. But the story is significantly richer; a broader set of organizations – nonprofit, for profit, and public – creating an ecosystem of resources, constraints, and catalysts for progress. The educators developing public learning environments – teachers, school leaders, and system administration – depend on this larger sector to support their work on behalf of learners.
What are these roles, and what is their connection to students and each other?

Learning supports
Offer resources, tools, and services directly experienced within student learning. From technology and curriculum providers to wraparound support services, these entities are used directly by students and educators.Capacity builders
Offer processes, expertise, and technical assistance to model and learning environment creators. Often consultants, professional learning providers, or designers, these entities offer support around teaching and learning to make it better.Informers
Seek to influence other actors through data- gathering, sense-making, storytelling, convening and agenda creation. From research and advocacy organizations, to media, to network creators, these entities help build understanding to help other actors advance and make decisions.Condition creators
Set the “rules” explicitly and implicitly through policies, resource provision, and behavior. From policymakers to teacher unions and funders, these entities create constraints, boundaries, and opportunities for entities to act.How We’re Creating a Better, Faster K-12 Field
What will it take for the education field to be more than the sum of its parts? At TLA, we’re tackling field-level learning challenges to create a K-12 sector where individuals and organizations can work together to learn more quickly and change systems together to produce radically better experiences for kids. We’re advancing:
Collective Understanding and Focus
Through a clear vision for change, tools, and research supports.
Equitable, Actionable Access
Via knowledge capture, effective dissemination, networked support, and free and open guidance.
Coherent, Comprehensive Approaches
By K-12 sector sensemaking and wayfinding resources.
Connected and Efficient Action
Through networks, partnerships, and mobilization to close gaps.