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POST EdtechCohort blog
Sustaining Equitable Edtech Use: TLA and MA DESE Kick Off a New Peer Learning Cohort

The unexpected and rapid switch to virtual learning during the pandemic led to a massive infusion of technology devices and online programs in school systems across the country. In the wake of this shift, education leaders and practitioners are now examining how to strengthen and develop edtech processes to sustain technology use and ensure that […]

POST Digital Equity Ethics Blog
Without Ethics, Digital Equity is Impossible: Three Questions Leaders Must Answer

Since the start of the pandemic, educators, leaders, and policymakers have undertaken substantial efforts to increase student access to devices and high-speed internet in an attempt to close the digital divide. However, improved digital access cannot be conflated with greater digital equity — the notion that students not only have access to and ownership of […]

POST VHL Articulate the Why
Articulating the “Why(s)” for Learners: Going Beyond “As Good As” to Demand More Through Virtual and Hybrid Learning Efforts

We’re often asked to explain how virtual learning outcomes compare to those in traditional, analog classrooms. This is a fairly straightforward question to answer based on research: generally speaking (and outside of emergency models launched during global crisis), virtual experiences have been found to be as good as in-person ones. Additional evidence suggests that blending […]

POST Define the What VHL Blog
Clarifying the “What:” Centering Learner Experiences and the Instructional Core as We Define Virtual Learning

Given our lack of unified language, conversations about virtual learning often feel confusing. Is my district’s “hybrid” learning your school’s “simultaneous” instruction? Has one state codified policy for “blended learning” in a way that looks a whole lot different from what its schools and districts have been implementing in classrooms for the last decade? Lack […]

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