In this first episode, we chat with Megan Palevich, former Head of School at Laurel Springs School about their fully virtual K-12 program that emphasizes personalization and one-to-one work between students and teachers, flexible schedules to accommodate learners whose schedules or needs don't align with traditional seat-time requirements, and a strong community among staff, students, and families.

Over the past few years, the context of education has dramatically changed as schools and systems grapple with the ongoing ramifications of emergency remote learning, lost instruction time, a growing student well-being crisis, and educator shortages. With all of this continuous change, a need exists to examine how well practices and policies set in place […]

Edtech can be a powerful tool in any school system’s efforts for equity when implemented effectively. However, rapidly changing technologies and slow-moving systems have led many schools and systems to report challenges in realizing this potential. So, how can we catalyze collective change toward more equitable edtech systems that promote powerful selection, implementation, and evaluation […]

When implemented thoughtfully and equitably, edtech has the power to accelerate learning and address persistent disparities. While academic edtech tools can make learning more inclusive and responsive to students’ interests and needs, edtech processes must incorporate input from stakeholders impacted by these tools. By examining the impact a school system’s edtech has on different participants, […]

In this episode, we chat with Justin Louder, Associate Vice Provost for e-Learning at Texas Tech University K-12 (TTU K-12), about their long history of service to students who have sought out flexible options for their learning, and how their program operates through a student-centered lens to help learners work flexibly to engage while facing physical and mental health challenges, career obligations, and other obligations, as well as their orientation toward immersive community exploration and engagement in the context of virtual learning.