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Beyond Brick and Mortar: Map Academy on Healing and Holistic Student Supports

In this episode, we chat with Rachel Babcock, Co-Director and Co-Founder of Map Academy, about their holistic and student-centered approach to education, designed to address the unique needs and life circumstances of students as an alternative high school. Their model weaves together collaborative and cooperative learning, student data, support structures, and crucial programs that help them develop their postsecondary and career readiness in order to attend to myriad aspects of their students’ learning experiences.

POST EdTech Quality Blog Image
Ensuring Quality EdTech Investments: Two Questions For System Leaders

September marks a turning point for the K-12 sector. Since March 2020, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund has infused billions of dollars into school systems to aid pandemic recovery efforts designed to accelerate learning. However, many school system leaders anticipate significant disruptions when these funds dry up later this year. System-level […]

Beyond Brick and Mortar: VLACS on a Mastery-Based Approach in Virtual Learning

In this episode, we chat with Dr. Steve Kossakoski, CEO at Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS), about their mastery-based approach, emphasis on meaningful discussion between students and instructors, and advisors who support students throughout their entire virtual learning journey with the school.

POST Supporting Students with SEL Strategies
Supporting Students with SEL Strategies

As we’re approaching assessment season and spring breaks, students find themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions surrounding time away from traditional schedules and a break from their studies. In my time as a teacher and school leader, I observed this period manifesting in stress, anxiety, and a myriad of feelings for my students — […]

Beyond Brick and Mortar: The Forest School Online on Student-Centered Learning, Real-World Relevance, and Continuous Improvement in Virtual Learning

In this episode, we chat with Maxwell Smith, Head of The Forest School Online, about their flexible, student-centered approach to online learning. Employing targeted and relevant curricula, a focus on real-world learning, and a deliberate culture of feedback and stakeholder engagement, The Forest School Online works to provide a holistic learning experience for students across the globe.

POST Creativity in December Blog
To Help Teachers Survive the Next Few Weeks, Focus on Creativity

The holiday season brings both happiness and hardship. The three-week period between Thanksgiving and the winter break is marked by celebrations as well as disrupted schedules. While some students become exuberant in their anticipation of vacations, presents, or visits with family, others worry about food insecurity and whether they have a safe place to go […]

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