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Focusing on Academic Rigor in the Face of Disruption

One school’s experience using instructional materials to advance personalized, mastery-based learning By: Kristi Ransick In the midst of the uncertainty and change that has unfolded in school systems in 2020, one topic that isn’t getting enough attention is the role that high-quality curriculum materials could play in mitigating the widening achievement gap due to the […]

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Advice: Common Pitfalls & Tips for Success in Design Work

Learnings from Strategy Lab school systems using the Real-Time Redesign toolkit The design process is transformational and thrilling – but not without its challenges. Here, we surface six common pitfalls, along with potential ways to avoid these same pitfalls, captured from school systems that completed our Real-Time Redesign process as part of the Always Ready […]

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Questions for the Field on School & System Redesign

Reflections on the Real-Time Redesign Process The need for school systems to make near-term, meaningful improvements to teaching and learning has never been greater. Systems are facing increased pressure to adapt teaching and learning to meet individual students’ diverse needs as well as the changing needs of the world around them; systems are also deepening […]

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What We Learned from the Strategy Lab

Reflections from our work with seven districts during the pandemic In our work to support seven school systems from the Strategy Lab through the Real-Time Redesign process, we encountered three powerful takeaways about what it means to advance equity and resiliency in teaching and learning in a school system context. 1. There are sector-wide opportunities […]

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Where Real-Time Redesign Originated: Always Ready for Learning Strategy Lab

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Learning Accelerator, along with Bellwether Education Partners, created a new networked learning community focused on equity and resiliency called the Strategy Lab. The nine-month, pro bono, cohort-based learning experience supported seven school systems in their reopening planning in the fall and winter of 2020 through expert support and […]

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Key Terms & Definitions for Redesign

The following terms are used in the Real-Time Redesign toolkit developed through the Strategy Lab. Educational Equity “Creating opportunities and removing barriers in educational experience so each student can reach his or her full potential – in academics and beyond; removing the predictability of success in academics or other life outcomes along lines of race, […]

POST HSL KarlaBlog2
Big Ideas from Hop, Skip, Leapfrog: Advancing Mastery-Based Policies Post-COVID-19

Karla Phillips-Krivickas is the senior policy director for KnowledgeWorks and founder of Inclusive Strategies. A long-time advocate for innovation and personalization, especially on behalf of students with disabilities, Karla works with federal, state, and local leaders to build and adopt policies and practices that advance academic achievement for all students. As part of our Hop, […]

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Strategy Lab Expert Talk Redux: Safe School Reopening

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a bevy of risks that affect almost every aspect of our lives. Chief among these risks is returning to in-person learning and the increased opportunity for the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. However, returning to in-person learning also greatly minimizes the risks associated with remote learning, which include loss […]

POST HSL launch blog
What Has Emerged: Introducing the Hop, Skip, Leapfrog Project

“Inside the word ‘emergency’ is ‘emerge’; from an emergency new things come forth.” – Rebecca Solnit As the K-12 education community closes out one of the most exceptional school years in recent history, we’re asking a lot of questions about student learning. What new skills, planned or otherwise, have our students built? What learning have […]

POST Arts blog2
The pandemic forced many to change how they teach the arts. What can we learn from them?

Few of us would argue that engaging students in the arts — visual, music, dance — is an important part of school. It’s well documented that arts engagement supports academic and social development, but with competing demands on time and budgets, enrichment in visual arts, music, and dance, historically has taken a secondary seat. So, […]

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