Dr. Sarah Johnson is the CEO of Teaching Lab. She is passionate about strengthening outcomes for students by improving professional development for teachers. Teaching Lab strives to fundamentally shift the paradigm of teacher professional learning for educational equity. Sarah has a wealth of experience as a former classroom educator and leader at the New York […]

Inside the word “emergency” is “emerge;” from an emergency new things come forth. The old certainties are crumbling fast, but danger and possibility are sisters. – Rebecca Solnit “Unprecedented” has become the oft-used term to describe this pandemic school year. It’s no surprise that the year’s end would warrant the use of the term, as […]

In response to the ways COVID-19 highlighted inequities in their schools, a small team of district leaders at Austin Independent School District embarked on a process to redesign elements of their teaching and learning to make school work better for more kids as part of the Always Ready for Learning Strategy Lab. Despite the daily […]

A core component of whole-child education is supporting student identity development while building an inclusive, caring community. At The Learning Accelerator, we believe that personalizing learning for students includes creating a safe, caring culture and fostering supportive relationships so that all students, regardless of their identities, feel welcomed and loved. As we close out Pride […]

The Learning Accelerator (TLA), in partnership with Bellwether Education Partners, is excited to announce the launch of the Always Ready for Learning Strategy Lab, a new networked learning community to accelerate the development of school system strategies and field learning towards a more resilient and equitable education future. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity […]

Hear from Jason Green, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of LINC, about his learnings from professional development in education during the global pandemic. Strategy Lab About the Author The Always Ready for Learning Strategy Lab was a networked learning community focused on equity and resiliency. The twelve-month, pro bono, cohort-based learning experience supported seven school systems in […]

COVID-19 brought about many unanticipated disruptions and forced us to find new ways of engaging, connecting, learning, and supporting one another. This was especially true for high school seniors whose final year looked nothing like they had expected. One California senior, Emily Park, found time during this ambiguous and demanding season to support a cause […]

Throughout much of 2020, school and system leaders have encountered unprecedented challenges within both instruction and operations as schools work to navigate closure, and ultimately, school reopening. Through a networked community called the Always Ready For Learning Strategy Lab, The Learning Accelerator (TLA) and Bellwether Education Partners are working in partnership to support and learn […]

The Parabola Project is a unique, cross-sector initiative that brings together education expertise from The Learning Accelerator and public health expertise from Ariadne Labs. The project rapidly identifies, develops, and shares strategies to help school system leaders make decisions and implement practices that support the mitigation of COVID-19-related risks while maximizing student learning and community […]

As schools across the United States near the end of the year, teachers, leaders, and students are grappling with the challenges associated with a variety of teaching and learning modalities, ranging from in-person instruction to hybrid and fully remote learning. Planning for any of these models has been difficult and complex for all stakeholders across […]