“In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.” – Margaret Wheatley. In any industry, the team of people we work with matters, and in schools, where the goals we are working toward are often […]

Referring to all aspects of life as a marathon has become something of a cliche. While the metaphor may feel harmless in many ways, this perspective is problematic for a few reasons. For starters, Pheidippides – the soldier who ran about 25 miles to Athens in 490 BC to announce a victory at the battle […]

In March 2022, The Learning Accelerator (TLA) launched the first of three Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid cohorts to tackle the challenge of developing more effective, engaging, and equitable virtual or hybrid learning environments. Working through our Real-Time Redesign process, district teams started to conduct needs assessments to understand and identify a problem of practice […]

In response to pandemic-induced school closures, virtual schools across the country saw enrollment rates skyrocket. At Highline Public Schools’ Highline Virtual Academy in Washington state, for example, enrollment increased from 200 students in grades 6-12 to over 600 in just two weeks during September 2021 – a substantial three-fold increase. As brick-and-mortar schools have reopened, […]

Sustainable change in education begins with sharing your needs and vision for what is possible. Although this might seem obvious at first, there are ways we’ve seen leaders supercharge their approach to the task, integrating history with a collective vision for change to lay the foundation for strong change that sticks. In this post in […]

We are living in a tumultuous time for education. If you’re feeling more exhausted and frustrated than ever before, you are not alone. The COVID pandemic has created a marathon of emergencies and urgent initiatives, leaving educators and ed leaders stretched thin under continuous stress. As consultants to many of these leaders and school teams, […]

At TLA, we work to ensure every child gets the education they need to reach their full and unique potential. This vision is simply impossible in a world where our students and educators cannot learn and work together without the looming threat and reality of gun violence. All children deserve a high-quality education in a […]

The Learning Accelerator (TLA) is proud to introduce the first of three Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid cohorts, a new year-long, pro bono, cohort-based learning experience for traditional school systems with a virtual or hybrid school. Through an inclusive improvement process, these diverse district teams will come together to tackle challenges of practice and develop […]