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POST LeaderSeriesintro blog
Introducing TLA’s Leader-Driven Series on Remote Learning

Over the next few months, The Learning Accelerator will be designing resources, curating conversations, and engaging with school leaders like we’ve never done before. We’ll be doing this through the launch of a companion to our “One Thing” for educators series that specifically offers support and guidance to school leaders during this time of school […]

Looking Back and Looking Forward: Lessons from Lindsay Unified School District

Schools across the country (and around the world) are in the throes of responding to the challenges of remote learning as a result of the novel coronavirus crisis. For the moment, many schools might feel as though they are in survival mode, but perhaps we can draw actionable lessons from systems uniquely poised to not […]

How can we help? 5 ways to shift in-person professional development online

Great professional developers, trainers, and coaches lean on a variety of face-to-face tools and supports when working with teachers in person. Through actions like whispering in a participant’s ear to give specific guidance, “reading the room” and deciphering body language to decide what people are ready for next, and engaging learners through small group chats […]

Week 1 – Today’s One Thing for Teachers: Building Connections

Find all installments of Today’s One Thing on our Blended & Personalized Learning at Work site. This week, we’ll be launching our series with a focus on building connections through technology. Maintaining connections is a key, research-based strategy in any learning environment, and we know many of you are looking for ways to engage and […]

POST Todays One Thing
Welcome to Today’s One Thing: TLA’s Teacher-Driven Series on Remote Learning

A core value of The Learning Accelerator (TLA) team is understanding and tapping into the collective intelligence of those on the front lines of teaching to learn and improve together. That’s why we reached out to teachers around the nation to figure out how we can best provide support – and in just a week, […]

POST Personal BH blog
Defining and Measuring the ‘Personal’ in Personalized Learning

This blog originally appeared on Getting Smart. Although the term “personalized learning” may seem new, the idea actually predates modern schooling. For centuries, learning was considered a personal endeavor that resulted from asking questions, engaging in social interactions, and developing self-awareness. Prior to formal schooling, all learning was personal — whether in the form of […]

POST OEWeek blog5
TLA’s Top OER Resources for Supporting and Developing Teachers

A transition to Open Educational Resources (OER) represents a commitment to increased equity, increased personalization, and increased rigor and relevance. However, the transition to OER requires attention to myriad factors. One of the primary opportunities that schools and districts should consider is developing teacher capacity and teacher teams to curate and customize curricula. Oftentimes, teachers […]

POST OEWeek blog4
A Vision of Success Is Key to OER Adoption: Resources to Support Leaders

Our principals are required to be exceptional in a lot of facets of executive leadership. Foundational among these skills is the ability to create, articulate, and execute on a vision of excellence for teaching and learning. Vision is a crucial condition for success in a school. More and more school leaders are realizing that to […]

POST OEWeek blog3
Nurturing the Fertile Ground of Open Educational Resources from Districts Around the Country

In total, there are 98 Launch Districts and 23 Ambassador Districts in the #GoOpen initiative, a nationwide Office of Ed Tech campaign to support school districts adopting and implementing Open Educational Resources (OER). A Launch District makes the following commitments: Identifying a team of leaders who can apply best practices for their implementation of OER […]

POST OEWeek blog2
Addressing Equity with High-Quality Instructional Materials: Learnings from Virginia

Since its launch in 2015, the #GoOpen initiative has expanded discussion, networking opportunities, and resources for states and school districts across the country seeking new ways to build curricular resources. The motives for “going open” range from abandoning the traditional textbook adoption cycle to personalizing curricula for students. Regardless, it is clear that there is […]

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