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POST BrickRoad blog
In person, remote, and hybrid – oh my! Engaging and supporting students – no matter where they are along the road.

Looking for ways to assess your students equitably despite their physical locations? With more districts moving to some variation of in-person and remote learning (e.g., hybrid, simultaneous learning, concurrent learning, Zoom-and-Room, and Click-and-Brick), the challenges of supporting students in multiple contexts continue to face educators. Educators not only need to teach students across the virtual […]

POST PP newweb blog
Parabola Project: Free resources bridging education and health for school leaders

The Learning Accelerator is excited to share a newly redesigned website for the Parabola Project, which provides evidence-informed tools to help school leaders identify options for school reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Parabola Project draws on expertise from both the education and health communities with the goal of minimizing health risks to students, staff, […]

POST RNNE distance learning
5 Tips for Engaging ALL Students Virtually

This post was originally published on Rocketship Public Schools. What does an engaged classroom look like? Do images of happy students raising their hands, sharing ideas, collaborating with peers, and completing assignments that challenge their learning come to mind? Now take a moment to think about what engagement looks like in a virtual classroom. Do […]

POST ExpertCoaching blog
Every education leader deserves expert coaching to manage through and beyond COVID-19

Every education leader deserves expert coaching to manage through and beyond COVID-19: Here’s what we learned from trying to deliver on this vision When schools abruptly closed for in-person learning last spring, hundreds of thousands of district and school leaders stepped into extended periods of crisis response and change management. The last year has, for […]

POST ShapingEDU Repost
Barriers, Challenges, and Empathy in Fostering Broadband Access

This piece was originally published on ShapingEDU: Part 1, Part 2. In this two-part series, TLA Partner Beth Holland shares the insights gleaned from her research into digital equity for students across the United States. Dr. Holland underscores that while a lack of adequate internet access makes it difficult for students to learn and work […]

POST Afton blogpost
Tools for School Financial Planning During COVID

In the spring of 2020, The Learning Accelerator (TLA), a national nonprofit, launched the Always Ready for Learning (ARL) Coaching Network, a partnership among 13 education coaching organizations to provide K-12 leaders with pro-bono, customized guidance to help them improve teaching and learning during the pandemic. A critical challenge that education leaders sought to proactively […]

POST Online PD Blog
With Remote Professional Learning, The Opportunities Are Boundless

This post was originally published on Getting Smart. Ever since March 2020, many educators have felt as though they’ve been thrown into the “deep end” with little to nothing to hold onto. The rapid shift to remote learning forced teachers to challenge their preconceived notions of what instruction and learning could and should look like. […]

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