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TLA Top 10 Blogs of 2016

September 7, 2017

The Learning Accelerator Blog > TLA Top 10 Blogs of 2016



As we head into the holiday season and a New Year, we are reflecting on 2016 here at The Learning Accelerator. It has been an exciting year in blended and personalized learning, and we wanted to share our most popular blogs from the past year:

  1. All Together Now: Data, Personalization, and Mastery-Based Progression(by Beth Rabbitt)

  2. Sharpening our Focus on Blended Learning(by Beth Rabbitt)

  3. Engaging Teachers in Blended Through Blended Best Practices (by Juliana Finegan)

  4. innovateNJ: Gaining Momentum (by Lisa Duty and Takecia Taylor)

  5. Top 10 Ideas for Knowledge Sharing in Education (by Jennifer Wolfe)

  6. OER Momentum and Debut of Open Up Resources (by Jennifer Wolfe)

  7. Introducing Practices at Work(by Beth Rabbitt)

  8. State Profiles in Innovation (by Lisa Duty)

  9. Personalized Learning: Trendy and True (by Saro Mohammed)

  10. Call it what you want: Why we don’t need a common definition of ‘blended’ or ‘personalized’ learning to measure effectiveness (by Saro Mohammed)

We hope reading these pieces or revisiting them helps as you reflect on 2016 and plan for the new year. We are excited about the momentum and energy in our field as an increasing number of districts, schools and educators engage in transformative teaching and learning opportunities. We’d love to hear from you about your work in blended and personalized learning and what your plans are for 2017. Reach out to us for a conversation on Twitter @learningaccel or via email



About the Author

Jennifer Wolfe is a Partner at The Learning Accelerator. Email comments to, and follow Jennifer @JenniferAWolfe