The Learning Accelerator Blog/Ready to Try These Favorite Teacher-Designed Ideas In Your Classroom?

professional development student-centered learning

Ready to Try These Favorite Teacher-Designed Ideas In Your Classroom?

by Jennifer Wolfe on December 1 2017

Personalized Learning Design Collaboration Winners Announced

At The Learning Accelerator, we love the opportunity to celebrate teachers. Our recent Personalized Learning Design Collaboration with The Teachers Guild provided us with a chance to recognize and amplify some great ideas from educators around the country. We believe that often the best ideas come from teachers, and we strongly support the mission of the Teachers Guild to catalyze the creative leadership of teachers.

We recently announced the 12 teacher-created ideas selected as favorites from our Teachers Guild collaboration. Teachers generated these favorite ideas in response to this question: How might we empower all students to drive their learning and authentically demonstrate mastery? The winning ideas will help advance the personalized and blended learning field by including a variety of practices and strategies for students to have more choice and voice in their learning, as well as innovative options for demonstrating mastery. The favorites came from across the country and include ideas from teachers in K-12 district and charter schools:

We selected these ideas for their student-centered instructional approaches and ability to be implemented in a variety of contexts. We hope you will take a look and try one or more in your classrooms. We’d love to hear your feedback and stories of how these practices work in your schools. Tweet us at @learningaccel or send me an email at [email protected].

About the Author

Jennifer Wolfe is a Partner at The Learning Accelerator. Email comments to [email protected] and follow Jennifer @JenniferAWolfe.