The Learning Accelerator Blog/New Framework Helps Educational Leaders Build Culture of Innovation


New Framework Helps Educational Leaders Build Culture of Innovation

by on October 14 2014

Self-Assessment Tool Enables Teams to Track and Manage Progress

Cupertino, CA - October 14, 2014 – The Learning Accelerator (TLA), a nonprofit organization supporting the implementation of high-quality blended learning in school districts and states across America, in partnership with 2Revolutions (2Rev), a national education design lab that designs, launches and supports Future of Learning models and helps catalyze the conditions within which they can thrive, today released a new tool for building and sustaining a culture of innovation within education organizations.

"Innovation culture is critical to the future of education," says lead author and partner at The Learning Accelerator, Lisa Duty. “We need to learn to thrive on building and testing new solutions to education's most challenging problems.”

Entitled “So You Think You Want to Innovate? Emerging Lessons and a New Tool for State and District Leaders Working to Build a Culture of Innovation,” this publication leverages primary and secondary research, along with TLA and 2Rev’s industry experience, to provide an analysis of what innovation culture means within the context of education; describes why it is essential; and introduces a new framework that defines the factors and sub-factors that comprise a robust culture of innovation.

“Everyone talks about the need for more innovation in education,” says lead author and 2Revolutions founder and principal, Todd Kern. “But the reality is that this is incredibly complex work. Our goal with this collaboration was to give organizational leaders handles to better understand where they are today and how to build the innovation culture that’s needed to enable radical progress on behalf of kids and families.”

The publication features a comprehensive self-assessment tool – rich with key examples from inside the education sector and beyond – that provides guideposts for education leaders to find where they are on the path to building a culture of innovation.

Across the country, committed educators and organizational leaders at every level are working hard to design and implement new approaches they believe can be more effective for students than those we currently have in place. This framework and tool should be valuable for anyone in education interested in exploring the facets of an innovation culture, with a special focus on the organizational level, including: state education agencies; school districts; regional service centers; foundations; state membership organizations; and for- and non-profit education organizations working at the state and district level.

Download Framework. Learn more at and

For more information, contact Lisa Duty (TLA) 614.806.0607 or Nicole Falcone (2Rev) 631.921.8753.

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