The Learning Accelerator Blog/Introducing the First Cohort of TLA’s Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid Network
Introducing the First Cohort of TLA’s Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid Network
by Rashida Kimbrue Major on April 20 2022
The Learning Accelerator (TLA) is proud to introduce the first of three Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid cohorts, a new year-long, pro bono, cohort-based learning experience for traditional school systems with a virtual or hybrid school. Through an inclusive improvement process, these diverse district teams will come together to tackle challenges of practice and develop more equitable virtual learning environments. Teams include:
TLA is launching three separate year-long cohorts, all of which will explore virtual and hybrid learning strategies for improving outcomes for students using our Real-Time Redesign process – but with a slightly different entry point. This first cohort is focused on increasing student engagement and ownership by piloting new online and in-person approaches that deepen connections to and between students, offer authentic “hands-on” learning experiences, and create greater personalization and choice to demonstrably improve student outcomes.
Applications are still open to join our second cohort, Launching New Models, and third cohort, Improving Instructional Equity. To learn more about the Strategy Lab and apply to the other cohorts, check out our one-pager.