The Learning Accelerator Blog/Forward. A letter to my team.

TLA updates

Forward. A letter to my team.

by Beth Rabbitt on November 9 2016

The results of yesterday’s U.S. elections have prompted a collective pause across the educational community. The majority of us, individually and together, are engaged in deep reflection as we look forward to next steps in achieving our dreams for children, the sector, and our country.

Earlier today, I sent a message to my team at The Learning Accelerator, sharing my own thoughts about the work we have as a team ahead. I believe there is a lot here that applies much more broadly. I now share it with you, in love and hope.

Dear Team TLA:

I know that many of us are waking up today to a political reality for which we may feel unprepared. This morning was difficult for me as a white woman, a mother of daughters, an assault survivor, and an ally. I send this message not to be political — though we are a team that can handle tough discussions and differences, rest assured! Rather, I send it in the spirit of transparency and acknowledgement.

We are a diverse team as people — our stories, origins, paths, ideologies, and identities make us strong. Today, regardless of how we each might feel about election results, some of us may feel aspects of this personal diversity — whether our own, our family’s, our community’s, or our friends’ — are under attack. Let us acknowledge this, seeking kindness and understanding to move forward together.

The mission we have — to transform education for every child, in every school in America — is neither easy nor particularly reasonable. But I get up every day humbled and energized by our unreasonable-but-imperative task, and by what you each bring personally and professionally to it.

So, now, take what you each need for self-care. Reach out if you need support. Band together as the great team we know how to be — one that puts kids first and pursues equity boldly, persistently, urgently, and collectively. Let us hold ourselves accountable for doing that, while having compassion and an eye for constantly getting better as we will never get it right the first time. There is joy in our work and each other.

Yours in the work,


About the Author

Beth Rabbitt is the CEO of The Learning Accelerator. Email comments to [email protected], and follow Beth @bethrabbitt.

