This is a summary of “Building a Shared Space of Innovative Research and Learning,” originally published on Aurora Institute’s blog.
Rethinking how we conduct research and assessment within an education space undergoing deep transformation presents a foundational challenge to the field. It is also a challenge that cannot be addressed in isolation or by a single entity. For this reason, we brought together over 40 researchers from across the sector for a second annual research roundtable at the Aurora Institute’s Symposium.
With the intent of moving forward and building an evidence base that can support learner-centered innovation, we identified three core areas that we believe can define an agenda for moving forward:
- Conceptualization – Ensuring that educators, researchers, leaders, funders, and policymakers hold shared mental models for learning.
- Research Infrastructure – Recognizing the need to reimagine methodologies that celebrate flexibility and personalization when conducting implementation and efficacy studies of innovative models.
- Research Foundations – Embracing a both/and approach when identifying metrics so that studies incorporate traditional academic data and measures that more closely align with competency-based, personalized, and project-based programs.
We recognize an urgent need to address these questions and challenges, both in our work and for the field, such that we can help shift towards an education that is more personalized, tech-enabled, and focused on the whole-child.
Read the full article from Dr. Beth Holland, Dr. Jilliam Joe, Dr. Rebecca Wolfe, and Rolando Fernando in the original post here.
Want to add to the conversation? We invite you to register to join the virtual roundtable on January 30th. Together, we will build momentum for collective action and impact.