Results for "lesson plan"
Supporting Teams as They Navigate Change
Three Crucial Lessons TLA Has Learned from School Districts... Many of the school leaders we’re working with are grappling with tough choices as they begin to plan for post-ESSER-funded budgets.
Innovating While Leading Schools is Hard – Lessons from Using ChatGPT
Recently, districts from across the U.S. converged at Dell's Innovation Summit to tackle problems of practice around innovating in schools, including: designing innovative learning models, implementing new structures of high school through a...
Investigating Creativity in the Classroom: Research Tools for Teachers and Leaders
Creativity is the competence to leverage self-interests, motivation, imagination, and prior knowledge in flexible ways1 to generate, evaluate, or improve ideas; imagine new ways of solving problems;2 forge new connections — across content and...
Generative AI in Schools: Leaders Ask for Guidance
While artificial intelligence (AI) has been present in schools for years through adaptive learning and feedback tools, this new wave of generative AI tools, headlined by ChatGPT, feels different due to their ability to make unique, sophisticated...
AI’s Role in the Future of Innovation in Education
Technology has a knack for raising alarms in education: the advent of tools like the radio, calculators, television, and smartboards have all caused a stir. OpenAI’s artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, ChatGPT, has introduced us to the latest...
Student-Centered Environments Foster Independent Learners
At a recent conference session on student-centered learning, the facilitator asked participants to wrestle with the question, “When did you become an independent learner?” My discussion partner Charli — a high school student who wouldn’t describe...
TLA Update, Setting the Direction for TLA's Next Five Years
The TLA team has been working over the last six months to take stock of progress and look forward to the future. Weaving together feedback, planning insights, and lessons learned, the team has been setting goals for the future. As we kick off the...
A Growing Danger of the Digital Use Divide: A Media Illiterate Generation
Since the introduction of computers into classrooms, the premise has been that increased access to technology would result in more creative, rigorous, personalized, and meaningful learning than what was possible in an analog world. However, despite...
Step 4: Championing Sustainable Change - Creating systems for leaders, teams, and their initiatives
The never-ending cycle of growth and change in schools often elicits mixed reactions. Some see these new trends as much-needed progress, while others “see déjà vu all over again.” Evolving science and research, alongside increased complexity that...
Flexibility in the Face of Volatility: Three Shifts for Managing Enrollment Fluctuations in District-based Virtual Schools
In response to pandemic-induced school closures, virtual schools across the country saw enrollment rates skyrocket. At Highline Public Schools’ Highline Virtual Academy in Washington state, for example, enrollment increased from 200 students in...
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