90 Results for "state level"
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Results for "state level"
POST SXSW Panel Picker Blog Image
Help Shape SXSW EDU 2025

The countdown to SXSW EDU starts now with PanelPicker Voting, open until August 18th! The Learning Accelerator and our partners are featured in seven submissions detailed below. Please vote for these proposals to bring our voices to Austin next year. Reimagining Research Together: New Measures for New Models As systems implement innovative learning models, they […]

POST Evidence Blog Post Images
New School Models Need New Measurement Approaches

Imagine someone asked you to measure the weight of a bowling ball using only a ruler. You could measure the diameter, calculate the volume, and then estimate the weight based on historical averages. Or, you could use a scale. Now consider another example. What if you had to evaluate the quality of a track and […]

POST NutritionComp2
Reaching Across the Screen: Fostering Wellness in Virtual Systems

When students and educators primarily interact through screens and chat boxes in fully virtual settings, school and system leaders may feel removed from the broader physical and social-emotional needs of the people in their community. However, the students and educators on each side of the screen are whole people who deserve equitable access to the […]

From Policy to Practice with the NETP: Three Questions for Leaders

In January, the Office of Educational Technology released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP). This latest iteration of the flagship federal edtech policy gave sweeping recommendations to do what we’ve always known is best for kids. In a moment when states, systems, and schools continue to grapple with the lingering effects of the pandemic, […]

POST MA DESE Cohort Launch Collation
Catalyzing Collective Change Toward More Equitable Edtech Systems

Edtech can be a powerful tool in any school system’s efforts for equity when implemented effectively. However, rapidly changing technologies and slow-moving systems have led many schools and systems to report challenges in realizing this potential. So, how can we catalyze collective change toward more equitable edtech systems that promote powerful selection, implementation, and evaluation […]

POST Data Advocacyguide blog
Using Data to Advocate for Equitable Practices

“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” – John Lewis At The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we are working to advance a research-informed vision for equitable teaching and learning. In doing so, we recognize the significant […]

POST Targeted Improvement Virtual Blog
Asking the Right Questions to Improve Equity in Virtual & Hybrid Learning

In working to prove their worth in an ever-changing education landscape, virtual and hybrid schools across the country are looking to hone their craft and make improvements. Over the past year at The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we have supported 20 district-based virtual and hybrid programs to do just that, guiding them to identify actionable ways […]

POST Teacher Morale Blog
Improving Teacher Morale in Virtual Schools

Teachers have a history of being underappreciated and overworked. Teaching in and beyond the pandemic has been particularly thankless and unsustainable, as schools respond to the unfinished learning needs of their kids while curricula became a political football. Teacher job satisfaction hit an all-time low last year. Unsurprisingly, teachers flocked to virtual schools during the […]

POST Creativity in Classrooms Research Blog Art
Investigating Creativity in the Classroom: Research Tools for Teachers and Leaders

Creativity is the competence to leverage self-interests, motivation, imagination, and prior knowledge in flexible ways1 to generate, evaluate, or improve ideas; imagine new ways of solving problems;2 forge new connections — across content and people;3 create new understanding; or communicate thinking through writing, drawing, voice, music, or any other means of expression.4 At The Learning […]

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