86 Results for "space"
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Results for "space"
POST Data Advocacyguide blog
Using Data to Advocate for Equitable Practices

“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” – John Lewis At The Learning Accelerator (TLA), we are working to advance a research-informed vision for equitable teaching and learning. In doing so, we recognize the significant […]

POST Virtual Course Access blog
Perception, Exclusion, and Quality: Virtual Course Access Challenges for State Leaders

With support from the Walton Family Foundation, The Learning Accelerator (TLA) is exploring ways to support State Education Agencies (SEAs) in developing and strengthening virtual and hybrid learning models as part of a broader student-centered approach. Through this partnership, we have engaged SEA leaders from eight states — representing a diversity of geographies, political landscapes, […]

POST Digital Equity Ethics Blog
Without Ethics, Digital Equity is Impossible: Three Questions Leaders Must Answer

Since the start of the pandemic, educators, leaders, and policymakers have undertaken substantial efforts to increase student access to devices and high-speed internet in an attempt to close the digital divide. However, improved digital access cannot be conflated with greater digital equity — the notion that students not only have access to and ownership of […]

POST Define the What VHL Blog
Clarifying the “What:” Centering Learner Experiences and the Instructional Core as We Define Virtual Learning

Given our lack of unified language, conversations about virtual learning often feel confusing. Is my district’s “hybrid” learning your school’s “simultaneous” instruction? Has one state codified policy for “blended learning” in a way that looks a whole lot different from what its schools and districts have been implementing in classrooms for the last decade? Lack […]

POST Media Literacy Blog
A Growing Danger of the Digital Use Divide: A Media Illiterate Generation

Since the introduction of computers into classrooms, the premise has been that increased access to technology would result in more creative, rigorous, personalized, and meaningful learning than what was possible in an analog world. However, despite decades of progress toward equitable access to devices and the internet, this promise has not been universally realized. A […]

POST Blog Post Images 1
Help Your School Leaders Succeed (And Retain Them for the Long Haul)

For the last three years, I led my school’s pandemic response — from drafting and rolling out COVID protocols to implementing building health and safety measures — all while leading a community of 600 students and educators through a full return to in-person learning. It was the honor of my professional career but came at […]

POST Thrive blog5
Step 4: Championing Sustainable Change – Creating systems for leaders, teams, and their initiatives

The never-ending cycle of growth and change in schools often elicits mixed reactions. Some see these new trends as much-needed progress, while others “see déjà vu all over again.” Evolving science and research, alongside increased complexity that spurs new trends, bring advancement to the field – but also challenges that can affect the whole community. […]

POST LGBTQresources blog
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students and Staff All Year Long

At The Learning Accelerator, we believe an inclusive and welcoming environment is critical to push learning forward and create spaces that allow students and educators alike to engage, grow, and develop as members of our local and global communities. The classroom should be a safe place for all students and faculty, no matter how they […]

POST PoweringUp blog
Step 3: Powering Up – Developing a Team Focused on Collective Action

“In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.” – Margaret Wheatley. In any industry, the team of people we work with matters, and in schools, where the goals we are working toward are often […]

POST SustainableChange Sprint
Step 2: Learning to Sprint – Leveraging Small Wins Along the Road Toward Large-Scale Change

Referring to all aspects of life as a marathon has become something of a cliche. While the metaphor may feel harmless in many ways, this perspective is problematic for a few reasons. For starters, Pheidippides – the soldier who ran about 25 miles to Athens in 490 BC to announce a victory at the battle […]

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