176 Results for "Open Education Resources"
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Results for "Open Education Resources"
POST PP newweb blog
Parabola Project: Free resources bridging education and health for school leaders

The Learning Accelerator is excited to share a newly redesigned website for the Parabola Project, which provides evidence-informed tools to help school leaders identify options for school reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Parabola Project draws on expertise from both the education and health communities with the goal of minimizing health risks to students, staff, […]

POST ExpertCoaching blog
Every education leader deserves expert coaching to manage through and beyond COVID-19

Every education leader deserves expert coaching to manage through and beyond COVID-19: Here’s what we learned from trying to deliver on this vision When schools abruptly closed for in-person learning last spring, hundreds of thousands of district and school leaders stepped into extended periods of crisis response and change management. The last year has, for […]

POST OEWeek blog5
TLA’s Top OER Resources for Supporting and Developing Teachers

A transition to Open Educational Resources (OER) represents a commitment to increased equity, increased personalization, and increased rigor and relevance. However, the transition to OER requires attention to myriad factors. One of the primary opportunities that schools and districts should consider is developing teacher capacity and teacher teams to curate and customize curricula. Oftentimes, teachers […]

POST OEWeek blog4
A Vision of Success Is Key to OER Adoption: Resources to Support Leaders

Our principals are required to be exceptional in a lot of facets of executive leadership. Foundational among these skills is the ability to create, articulate, and execute on a vision of excellence for teaching and learning. Vision is a crucial condition for success in a school. More and more school leaders are realizing that to […]

POST Is Communications the Secret Sauce for Innovation
Education Elements & The Learning Accelerator Release New Communications Planning Guide for Innovation in Education

Includes Real-World Strategies for Schools Adopting Blended & Personalized Learning San Carlos, CA – March 15, 2017 – Education Elements and The Learning Accelerator today released a new communications planning guide for school districts that are transforming education through blended and personalized learning. The new guide is in response to the nation-wide movement towards personalization […]

POST OER Momentum
OER Momentum and Debut of Open Up Resources

The Learning Accelerator and OER Almost three years ago, The Learning Accelerator (TLA) began its journey into open education resources (OER). As our understanding of OER deepened, we saw exciting opportunities for a new model of instructional materials: high quality, standards-aligned and low cost. These new OER materials had the potential to improve student learning, […]

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K-12 OER Collaborative Launches Partnership with Illustrative Mathematics to Create Openly Licensed Middle School Math Materials

Cupertino, CA — November 19, 2015 — The K–12 OER Collaborative, an organization dedicated to increasing the quality and effectiveness of K–12 instructional materials while substantially reducing their cost to school districts nationwide, today announced it is starting its next phase of work in creating full-course materials. The Collaborative is launching a partnership with Illustrative […]

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Top 10 Ideas for Knowledge Sharing in Education

Over the last nine months, TLA has been engaged in a deep research effort to better understand teaching and learning in blended and personalized learning environments. We have learned a great deal and identified some really terrific practices at a number of schools nationally. We plan to share out as much as we can in […]

POST Network Essentials for Superintendents Guide IMG1
EducationSuperHighway’s New Network Guide Enables Blended Learning Infrastructure

Improving K-12 Internet connectivity is essential to blended learning and improving K-12 education. EducationSuperHighway, a non-profit focused on upgrading Internet access for every classroom in America, recently released its Network Essentials for Superintendents Guide which brings clarity to this often overly technical process and will help district leaders take the necessary steps to upgrade their […]

POST FindTheBest
Open Data is Starting to Bring Value to Education

Our schools need every edge they can get to improve education. Fortunately, there is a massive amount of data out there that may be able to help. Every year districts, states, and multiple federal organizations collect non-personal education data (data that could never be used to identify an individual student). The most common form of […]

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