46 Results for "edtech"
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Results for "edtech"
POST Group of teachers practicing effective & equitable edtech practices
Three Lessons for Effective & Equitable Edtech Leadership

For too long, K-12 technology leadership has been defined by siloed approaches — prioritizing tools over the systems they operate within. This fragmented focus has hindered innovation and equity, leaving many leaders struggling to make meaningful, lasting changes. It’s a challenge reflected in CoSN’s 2024 State of EdTech District Leadership Report, where 77% of edtech […]

POST New Tools for Leaders Blog 2
New Tools for School and System EdTech Leaders

As the school year begins, edtech leaders have a vital opportunity to reflect on their practices, identify areas for improvement, and set goals aligned with broader school and district priorities. Through intentional approaches, these efforts can transform edtech systems into powerful tools that promote equity, center student success, and adapt to evolving technological demands — […]

POST EdTech Quality Blog Image
Ensuring Quality EdTech Investments: Two Questions For System Leaders

September marks a turning point for the K-12 sector. Since March 2020, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund has infused billions of dollars into school systems to aid pandemic recovery efforts designed to accelerate learning. However, many school system leaders anticipate significant disruptions when these funds dry up later this year. System-level […]

POST MA DESE Cohort Launch Collation
Catalyzing Collective Change Toward More Equitable Edtech Systems

Edtech can be a powerful tool in any school system’s efforts for equity when implemented effectively. However, rapidly changing technologies and slow-moving systems have led many schools and systems to report challenges in realizing this potential. So, how can we catalyze collective change toward more equitable edtech systems that promote powerful selection, implementation, and evaluation […]

POST 3 Key Groups Equity Edtech Blog
Engaging 3 Key Groups for Equity in Edtech

When implemented thoughtfully and equitably, edtech has the power to accelerate learning and address persistent disparities. While academic edtech tools can make learning more inclusive and responsive to students’ interests and needs, edtech processes must incorporate input from stakeholders impacted by these tools. By examining the impact a school system’s edtech has on different participants, […]

POST EdtechCohort blog
Sustaining Equitable Edtech Use: TLA and MA DESE Kick Off a New Peer Learning Cohort

The unexpected and rapid switch to virtual learning during the pandemic led to a massive infusion of technology devices and online programs in school systems across the country. In the wake of this shift, education leaders and practitioners are now examining how to strengthen and develop edtech processes to sustain technology use and ensure that […]

POST EdtechPurchasing blog
Exciting New Initiatives Provide Hope for Improved Edtech Purchasing Across K-12 Schools

Education purchasing should be simple, right? If you need some pencils or paper, you can get them at the nearest supply store. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. We often overlook everything a district needs to buy – from mundane things like clocks to more symbolic items like school buses. The broad spectrum of purchases […]

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A Measurement Agenda: Role of Edtech Developers?

As the implementation of blended and personalized learning grows, questions about effectiveness are becoming relevant to more students and families, teachers, and classrooms across the nation. Researchers and think tanks cannot generate these answers alone. A broad group of stakeholders must play a critical role, and edtech developers have a unique position in their ability […]

POST longevity blog
Longevity: The Key To Getting Good Edtech Advice

When I ask educators why it’s difficult to select software for their classrooms their emphatic response is consistently: “It’s overwhelming!” And, I completely agree. Products are abundant, categories are fuzzy and the criteria used to evaluate the software are highly debatable. However, I also believe that we have historically overlooked a simple data point that […]

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The Learning Accelerator Releases Snapshot of Edtech Purchasing in Houston Independent School District

New Blended Learning Snapshot Series will report on successful examples of blended learning implementation across the United States Cupertino, CA – June 2, 2014 – The Learning Accelerator (TLA) has released “TLA Blended Learning Snapshot: Edtech Procurement in Houston” (HISD), the first in their Blended Learning Snapshot Series. The series captures and shares specific examples […]

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