The Hewlett Foundation leads early funding of 10 content developers creating free course materials that can be frequently updated, are easily tailored to individual student needs, leverage technology, and are designed to more effectively engage students Cupertino, CA – April 16, 2015 – The Learning Accelerator, a nonprofit supporting the implementation of high-quality blended learning […]

In total, there are 98 Launch Districts and 23 Ambassador Districts in the #GoOpen initiative, a nationwide Office of Ed Tech campaign to support school districts adopting and implementing Open Educational Resources (OER). A Launch District makes the following commitments: Identifying a team of leaders who can apply best practices for their implementation of OER […]

Every child deserves a highly effective and equitable education that equips them with the mastery of rigorous academic standards, mindset, and other non-academic capacities they need to reach their full and unique potential. Engaging, rigorous curriculum — that is, the “what, why, how, and when” of student learning — and the instructional materials needed to […]

Request for developers to create free, openly licensed, mathematics and English language arts content aligned with State Standards Cupertino, CA – November 19, 2014 – The K–12 OER Collaborative, an initiative led by a group of 11 states with the goal of creating comprehensive, high-quality, open educational resources, today released a Request for Proposals (RFP) […]

High-quality virtual and hybrid learning (VHL) has tremendous capacity to expand access and opportunity to rigorous, relevant, and engaging education opportunities for students who need an alternative or supplement to traditional brick-and-mortar schooling. We know these models exist across the United States, many of which have considerable evidence that they can facilitate learning acceleration for […]

Dr. Jilliam Joe is the Vice President of Learning Insights at LEAP Innovations. Jilliam has dedicated her career as an educational researcher to measuring effective teaching practices. At LEAP, she provides research and evaluation leadership for LEAP’s programs and leads their personalized-learning educator competency framework development. As part of our Hop, Skip, Leapfrog interviews with […]

The Parabola Project is a unique, cross-sector initiative that brings together education expertise from The Learning Accelerator and public health expertise from Ariadne Labs. The project rapidly identifies, develops, and shares strategies to help school system leaders make decisions and implement practices that support the mitigation of COVID-19-related risks while maximizing student learning and community […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a bevy of risks that affect almost every aspect of our lives. Chief among these risks is returning to in-person learning and the increased opportunity for the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. However, returning to in-person learning also greatly minimizes the risks associated with remote learning, which include loss […]